torsdag den 28. juni 2012


Tumblr: 4 months ago

My singing teacher taught me something important.
When we’re having a hard time and talk to other people about it, we’ve all tried to get the comment back saying “there are people out there feeling much worse than you”.
Ok, before I’m getting to my point, I’d like to say that this depends on your situation.

She asked me if I was ok and that I looked frustrated. I told her I had a hard time because of some issues and it made me forget to practice singing a lot “but I shouldn’t complain because I’m only a student and there are people out there feeling worse than me”. My words were honest, but I only added that comment because I didn’t want to hear it from her.
Instead she said “It’s ok you find it tough. There might be people out there who are having a harder time than you, but you must think about where you are now and what your situation is. What’s tough for you might not be tough for others but if they don’t think your issues are a big deal, it doesn’t mean they have the right to criticize you for it. It’s selfish, but it doesn’t make you careless”.I’ve never really thought about it that way. I just don’t want to be selfish, but I will remember this.

Since my English isn’t brilliant, I do not know if I expressed myself right, but I hope so. 

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