lørdag den 20. oktober 2012


Where did the time go? The spring break in Denmark is coming to an end. I'm sitting here Sunday 1am, trying to not to miss all the time I have before me. There are times where I want the time to pass by as quick as possible. Yet, on the other hand... I don't want it to. Not at all. 
I mean, what am I waiting for? Not anything, really. My life has been kind of stuck in an evil circle. Nothing new is happening and I can't do what I want to for everyone.
I keep telling myself to live in the now and enjoy the days as much as possible though.

School starts tomorrow, and I'm certainly not ready. 
I should go sleep, but I think I need to write here before I do so.
I'm just glad I've been able to relax. I even got to catch up with more recordings than expected.
Things have been stressful before the school break begun. It's not only school, there have been a lot of things. Not anything serious, just a lot of things all coming at once. It has surely affected my mood heavily. I could barely see an end to it.
Oh well, that's life. I got through it. It surely took me some time to catch up with sleep, but it's all good now.

I sound like I pity myself. Even if I do, I've always believed that you have to admit how you feel, no matter what others think. It is selfish, but can you do anything without being selfish at some points? In my eyes, you cannot. And that doesn't mean there's anything bad about it. 

Haha, I guess I should stop before ending up writing a whole novel.

Guess I'll be back later.

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